Facilities - St Thomas of Canterbury C of E Primary School Website 2024-5 v1

"Let all that you do be done in love."
1 Corinthians 16:14
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About Our School
The School's stated aim is to give every child the opportunity to realise their full potential in all aspects of their education, and to that end it is vital that we have excellent facilities for learning across the full range of subjects.

This is one of the most highly resourced schools in the district, with outstanding academic, sporting, music, art, performance, IT and recreation facilities. We have:

· 18 well-equipped classrooms
· A large hall with a stage area for each Key Stage
· Well stocked modern libraries for each Key Stage
· Extensive computing facilities including a network of over 100 computers, including a   dedicated suite of 32 computers in the ICT suite alongside a growing number of iPads for   use in and beyond the classroom
· Small group rooms
· Three music rooms including a recording studio
· A 3rd generation all-weather pitch
· A recently refurbished school kitchen
· Two Active adventure trails, with climbing equipment
· Three outside classrooms
· A courtyard
· A school garden, allotment and "Spiritual Garden"
· Woodland areas
· Three playgrounds, plus a separate play area for EYFS
· A large outdoor sports playing field
· An outdoor cardio gym
· A "Daily Mile" course/track

We are lucky to have access to a full-size pool right on our doorstep, so that each week for one and a half terms, KS2 lower school children are able to improve their swimming.

A large Country Park (Merrymeade) surrounds the school.

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