PTA Information
Information for Parents
About the PTA
The school has a very active PTA which gives tremendous support to the school by arranging social functions for children and parents, and a wide range of fund-raising events for the benefit of the school.
The aim of the Association is to advance the education of the pupils of the school by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school (not normally provided by the Local Education Authority) and to:
(a) Foster more extended relationships between the Staff, Parents and others associated with the school.
(b) Engage in activities which support the school and advance the education of the pupils attending it.
All parents are members of the PTA, and a committee of parents were re-elected at the Annual General Meeting on 23rd September 2022. The committee are:
Cally Shanley - Chair, Tara Simpson - Vice-Chair, Natasha Hayward - Treasurer, Ashley Polley - Secretary and Mr Moran (ex officio).
All parents are welcome to attend PTA meetings, which take place once every half term to discuss and plan existing events and new ideas.
Minutes from the AGM, held on 16th September 2022, are available here.
St Thomas of Canterbury Junior School PTA is committed to ensuring any personal data will be dealt with in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.
The PTA have their own Facebook page (which is a closed group) which is open to all parents to join - St Thomas of Canterbury Junior School PTA. This page is updated frequently with reminders regarding events and ticket sales. You can contact the PTA at any time via email at
As always there will be a number of events organised by the PTA throughout the 2022-23 school year, which will be featured here, providing our school community with a real sense of fun. I am sure your children will all enjoy the many events during the year.
Up-Coming Events:

The PTA Policies, Reciepts and Payments Accounts, Trustee Report, and Independent Examiners' Report for each financial year are available in the tabs below. Please click on the relevant link:

Does your employer run a 'matched funding' scheme?
We are committed to raising funds for the school which will impact on your children and the enhanced provision we can offer. Last year the PTA raised money towards the library refurbishment and we were able to purchase new shelving, furniture and seating. We look forward to hearing from you!
We are committed to raising funds for the school which will impact on your children and the enhanced provision we can offer. Last year the PTA raised money towards the library refurbishment and we were able to purchase new shelving, furniture and seating. We look forward to hearing from you!
The PTA are also keen to hear from anyone who knows of any opportunities to tap into 'matched funding' opportunities. Many companies and bigger corporations run matched funding schemes for charitable organisations and if this is something you feel the PTA could take advantage of, please contact us.

Do you shop on the internet? Do you use shops like Amazon, HMV, M&S, Sainsbury's, Boots or John Lewis? Thousands of shops are willing to give a share of the money you spend back to the school through this website:

Do you need labels for your children's belongings? If you order your labels from, the school receives commission for every order placed. The school number is 22023.