School Uniforms
Information for Parents
School uniform is compulsory for all children.
The uniform list is as shown below:
* Note that all items marked with an asterisk must have the school badge embroidered on the garment.
WINTER (must be worn for the second half of the autumn term, and spring term)
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress, *white polo shirt, *bottle green cardigan or jumper, White/grey/black socks or plain green/grey/black tights.
- Grey tailored trousers (or tailored shorts), *white polo shirt, *bottle green jumper, Grey or black socks only.
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress, white collared shirt, school tie, *bottle green cardigan or jumper, White/grey/black socks or plain green/grey/black tights.
- Grey tailored trousers (or tailored shorts), white collared shirt, school tie, *bottle green jumper, Grey or black socks only.
SUMMER (must be worn for the summer term and first half of the autumn term)
- Green gingham check dress, *bottle green cardigan or jumper. White socks must be worn.
- *White polo shirt with grey tailored shorts or tailored trousers. Grey or black socks only.
- Green gingham check dress (compulsory for Year 3 & 4) and/or *white polo shirt with grey skirt (Year 5 & 6 have option of both). White socks must be worn.
- *White polo shirt with grey tailored shorts or tailored trousers. Grey or black socks only.
Sensible black leather shoes (not boots or trainers) or black leather closed-toe sandals.
PE/Games Kit
EYFS/KS1/KS2 PE: Green shorts, Jogging bottoms (green, grey or black), *white PE T-shirt, plimsolls
KS2 Games: Green shorts, plain tracksuit/sweatshirt (green, grey or black) *white PE T-shirt, trainers
Swimwear (KS2 only)
Swimsuit or trunks (green or black), *School swimming hat (with name clearly written in large letters in permanent black marker pen).
The following items are available from the School Office:
School tie (clip-on), swimming hats (with School badge), PE bag, essential stationery items.
The PTA always have a good stock of second-hand, pre-loved uniform which is on sale at numerous PTA-organised events throughout the year.
Only small plain gold or silver studs are allowed in school – ear lobes only, one per ear. No jewellery may be worn other than studs (as above). No studs for P.E, games, swimming, adventure trails & all-weather pitch - we would appreciate children not wearing studs on these days. No adult or other child is able to help with studs i.e. each child has to manage it themselves. Tape may not be used to cover earrings under any circumstances.
When hair is long enough, we request it is tied back all the time, using plain green, black or white hair bands/clips. Hair accessories (in approved colours) should be small and discreet and not cause distraction within the class. Children are not permitted to come to school with patterns, logos or designs shaved into their hair; dyed hair or hair colouring is not permitted; braided hair must not contain coloured thread/ribbon and must not contain beads for health and safety reasons.
No nail varnish. No stick-on tattoos.
Children may wear an inexpensive watch (analogue or digital) to school providing it is not too big or colourful and they are not distracted by wearing it. Smart watches are not permitted in school. Smart watches can cause issues with data protection and data security if these devices are trying to access our school Wi-Fi or have the ability to record and/or capture video or audio.
School Uniform provider - Smartypants
Please click here to visit the website of our uniform provider, or click here to view their flyer, which gives information about how to contact them, and where they are located.
Do you need labels for your children's belongings?
Please click here to visit the website of labelplanet.
The school receives a higher commission if orders are placed via our website. Many thanks for your support.