About Our School
The School's Governing Body is constituted in accordance with its Instruments of Government. The Body meets at least once a term with various sub-committees meeting on a regular basis. Governors can be contacted via the School Office.
The Governing Body of St Thomas of Canterbury Church of England Primary School comprises of 12 Governors: 2 Parent Governors, 1 Local Authority Governor, 1 Staff Governor and 7 Foundation Governors (3 appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education, 3 by the Parochial Church Council of St Thomas of Canterbury, Brentwood and 1 ex-Officio). The Headteacher is also a Governor (ex-officio).
Governors are appointed for 4 years.
The Full Governing Body is represented by 5 committees: Admissions, School Development, Finance and Premises, Personnel, and Headteacher’s Performance Management & Wellbeing.
There is currently 1 Foundation Governor vacancy.
Father M. North - Chair, Foundation Governor
Mrs C. Andrews – Vice Chair, Foundation Governor
Mr W. Hawkings - Foundation Governor
Mrs H. Pallett - Staff Governor
Mr D. Shacklady - Foundation Governor
Mrs C. Cowlard - Foundation Governor
Mr J. Gowlett - Foundation Governor
Vacancy - Foundation Governor
Mrs S. O'Hara - Local Authority Governor
Mrs F. Halabi - Parent Governor
Mr R. Laws - Parent Governor
Mr D. Moran - Headteacher and Governor
Mrs C. Emery - Clerk to the Governing Body
Mrs C. Coughtrey - Deputy Headteacher - in attendance
Mrs H. Forder - School Business Manager - in attendance
The following table shows each Governor's information regarding business interests, committees and date of appointment.
St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School – Governor Attendance for the prior academic year 2023-24